Monday, June 29, 2009

Concentrated poisons in foods...

Reading an article in the Spring, 2009, Volume 10, Number 1 , page 44 issue of "Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts" which is a magazine from the Weston A. Price Foundation.
The article discusses high fructose corn syrup - HFCS- in detail, which to me seems to be present in all packaged foods. And to make matters worse, it's usually the first or second or third ingredient on the label. At least they are putting HFCS on the label, GMO's and soy are not listed or are put under unrecognizable names. There are many tricks, called "creative food marketing" to trap us into ignorance.
And, of course, HFCS is a GMO (genetically modified) since the corn it is processed from is GMO.
I notice that GMO's are never identified and they are in most packaged foods but not listed on the label. Take cheese, for example. Rennet is an natural, healthy enzyme from the stomach of a nursing calf. If the label does not say "rennet" the cheese is likely made from E. coli bacteria or fungi which are genetically engineered to produce enzymes similar to natural rennet. Some raw plants (thistle) may be used, but are not, by the food makers. The only cheese I can find with rennet is European and a few mail-order artisan cheeses. I have stopped buying even Tillamook since 90 % of their cheese is not made from natural rennet, but from genetically modified fungi and bacteria. (See the Jeffrey M. Smith link at the bottom of this page to learn why GMO's are toxic.)
HFCS is a sweetener which is concentrated and cheap - the motive for the food manufacturers. It goes directly from the gut to the liver (fructose has a different metabolic pathway from glucose) and can cause cirrhosis and death just like in drunkards.
HFCS causes obesity. Prove it to yourself: cut out all drinks except water for a month and see if you lose any weight. (* You will.)
HFCS causes high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and depletes minerals.
HFCS is a source of toxic mercury in our foods.
Apparently Mother Nature meant for us to eat whole, sweet, tree-ripened fruits only in the short time they are in season. Sugar gluttony cannot be tolerated by the body year-round. Robbing a beehive in the late summer and eating that honey would be great, since our bodies have evolved to accomodate an occasional seasonal feast.
Another concentrated food poison is MSG which stimulates the "umame" taste buds. Delicious, meaty taste. Seaweed kelp contains fabulous nutrients and is a rich source of iodine and minerals and I try to eat a little with each meal. But MSG is way too concentrated (it is made from seaweed kelp) and MSG is so strong it could actually cause death if the dose were large enough.
Another concentrated toxin is carrageenan. It is concentrated from Irish moss seaweed or purple seaweed or red seaweed. The regular seaweed is a healthy nutrient, but when concentrated and used in food preparation it causes tiny holes in the intestines. This is because it is such a strong detergent that it melts tiny holes in the intestinal cell membranes. (Nonoxynol-9, a spermicide, is also a strong detergent that puts tiny holes into the cell membrane of a sperm and thus acts as birth control - the same mechanism of action as carageenan.) Read labels and you will see carrageenan in all products which can separate into oil and water, such as salad dressings, milk products, and in ice creams and in cheeses.
The food manufacturers use carrageenan liberally, it is cheap and its detergent action keeps the processed food materials together.
If you drink soy milk with carrageenan for several years you will probably be told you need surgery to cut out the top left part of your colon between the transverse colon and the descending colon. More and more people are getting this surgery.
And by the way, I avoid soy - see Dr. Kaayla Daniel's book "The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food" and you may want to eliminate it as a food for humans, too. Check out
"Hydrolyzed vegetable protein" and other terms are used in creative marketing to sneak soy concentrates into food.
Human bodies are great at getting rid of small doses of poisons such as MSG and HFCS and stress and viruses and bacteria and the like. But when over-whelmed with concentrated poisons, the body will eventually succumb to obesity, diabetes, aging , cancer, heart attacks and the like. Yes, stress is a poison. Sweetener overdoses are maybe our main food poison.
Back to the WAPF article, I wish everyone could read it. It goes into detail and cites scientific proofs. It also explains why commercial agave nectar is also processed with GMO toxins (label will say "hydrolized inulin syrup"), meaning GMO used) and no good as a sweetener. A trick is to call agave "chicory syrup" - same thing. (Real chicory is dandelion root.) The original healthy agave syrup is made from yucca sap, but the store agave is made from the root - big difference.
Warning: Agave (yucca) is dangerous (because of its saponins) during pregnancy or nursing.
And of course, beets are now GMO's. So I'll stick to honey or raw dates or fresh fruit juice I squeeze myself or real maple syrup or real cane sugar.
It would be best for me to just avoid sugars completely, all carbohydrates are addictive, sugars and alcohol more than most.

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