Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Nomad living

It's nice to live as a wanderer. I have found that I use things daily that I did not pack and that I packed things that I thought that I needed, but I do not. I am remembering that there is a difference between "need" and "want". I appreciate items which are light-weight and small.
Living "light" and lean feels good.
KY is scenic, clean and serene. The air and water are clean. Traffic is light. I like the wildlife. The people in Abilene ( they call themselves "The Big Friendly" ) were quite open and about the nicest anywhere, the people here are much shyer. And there is a big difference in culture. The performing arts here are rare, and in Abilene they were richer and superior in every way, even superior to Los Angeles and Hollywood. Abilene was a wonderfully sophisticated city with less accompanying wickedness.
One amazing thing: this town has a population of 32,000 and the corporate chain stores are here in full force. Almost all of the shops here are nation-wide chain stores. I have only found one local restaurant, "Dots", named after its fried grated potato balls. Their food was excellent and at least some was made in their kitchen, and was not just heated processed commercial food.
Except for "Dots" and "Peebles" (a department store) I have not so far seen even one local shop. There is a Rite-Aid, a Walgreens, the usual car parts chains, the usual fast-food chains, grocery chains, and of course, a WalMart Super Center open 24 hours. We have a Salvation Army and a Goodwill and many, many Christian churches, but none of any other faith. The name of the county is Christian County.
This town is also called "Hop Town" because people used to hop off here to buy liquor because it was legal here but not in surrounding counties.

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