Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pennyroyal; Library of Forbidden Knowledge; Sister Zeus

July 22, 1998 - Gabi's birthday!!! Happy Birthday to Gabi.
Great weather here, they say it's cooler than usual. We seem to get refreshing rains quite often. Poor Janice is sweltering back in L. A.
We have lots of trees and plants and wildlife, and Fort Campbell has a huge wilderness area. Yesterday Charlie passed three Amish buggies on his way home from work, he takes the back roads leaving the fort.
A museum here is named "The Pennyroyal Museum" after the pennyroyal that flourishes here. Pennyroyal is in the mint family, similar to spearmint, and is used as a cooking herb, as a flea and insect repellant (the concentrated oil) and the tea is used to cause abortion, stimulate labor or menstrual flow. The American Pennyroyal is called Hedeoma pulegoides and the European Pennyroyal is called Mentha pulegium.
The name "pulegium" is from Latin for "flea". Pennyroyal is called "fleabane", "mosquito plant" and "tickweed" because it is an insect repellent. It is also called "Pudding Plant" because it is used in cooking puddings and stuffings. Medieval herbalists called pennyroyal names such as Pulioll-royall, piliole-rial and Pulegium Regium. It is also called "squawmint" because it stimulates the uterus to contract to cause menstruation, abortion and labor contractions. Long ago, Aristophanes, in 421 BCE, identified pennyroyal as an abortifacient.
Recipe: For abortion: Make an infusion by steeping a full ounce of leaves and flowers for 15 minutes in a pint of freshly boiled water and drink a cup of tea up to four times a day for a maximum of five days. Do not eat grapefruit which depletes the liver enzymes.
Option: Add the oil infusion below. Another option: Add a plaster to the abdomen. Make a plaster by soaking wool flannel or cotton cheesecloth in a strong tea or oil infusion (but never essential oil) of pennyroyal. Know that you are inactivating your liver enzymes at the same time you are stimulating your uterus and know that you will be in an unpredictable and dangerous zone. I would take R-alpha lipoic acid (in divided doses, up to 800 mg. per day) to help my liver.
The dose to cause abortion is getting close to the lethal dose. So if doing the tea, the oil rub and the plaster together, only do it a day or two and listen to your body and stop at the first sign of any abnormality. (It seems to me that it would be better to pay a medical doctor for an induced abortion since abortions are currently legal.)
I want to say that no woman would ever want an abortion if the loving and caring father was there to help her to have food and shelter and to take care of her during and after her pregnancy.
Note that the pennyroyal tea is more effective for abortion when combined half and half with blue cohosh root (Caulophyllum thalictroides) in a tea.
Why it can kill you: Stop the use of pennyroyal at the first sign of nausea. Pennyroyal might make you sick or kill you if you consume too much or for too long . Sick people should not use it. Its activity is from its volatile oil, pulegone which is converted to menthofuran by the body which inactivates liver cytochrome - CYP450 A26). People have died taking prescription drugs and eating grapefruit because grapefruit uses up a lot of liver enzymes and combined with medications, the liver runs out of enzymes and is unable to function and the person dies. Pulegone affects the uterus and the liver and the nerves and the kidneys. So one could die from an inactivated liver from too much pulegone.
(Rest in peace, Kris Humphreys, died August 14, 1994 - She used Susan Weed's book "Wise Woman Herbals for the Child-Bearing Years". But her pregnancy was ectopic, tubal, outside the uterus so pennyroyal could not abort her. She kept using too much pennyroyal too long. Kurt Cobain, Nirvana: "Pennyroyal Tea".)
Never use the essential oil for abortion. Drinking even a few drops of the essential oil is lethal. One should never use the concentrated essential oil on the skin, because it will be absorbed into the blood stream. The essential oil should only be used as an insect or flea repellant.
for Sister Zeus's "Library of Forbidden Knowledge" for information on fertility, herbal contraception, abortion and the like.
Recipe: Make an oil infusion by soaking the macerated plant in a good oil, like olive, walnut, jojobe, grapeseed for a week. For up to five days, rub this oil on the abdomen, on the Achilles tendon and on the heels (acupuncture points) to stimulate the uterus to contract.
Pennyroyal (pudding plant) was used to flavor meat puddings and stuffings in medieval cooking.
Recipe: To make a stuffing or a meat dressing, mix 2 cups of bread crumbs with an ounce of chopped pennyroyal, 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper and 1/3 cup of honey. Moisten with water or any soup or stock, and stuff a chicken or roll up in sliced meats.

Pennyroyal in small amounts has been used successfully for centuries for medicinal uses: a garland worn around the head to ease giddiness, weak feelings, to ease headache; tea for whooping cough or any cough; tea for sudden chill or cold; tea for indigestion; tea for anxiety; tea for gout; plasters applied to bruises, burns, boils, tumors and insect bites.
The tea is often sweetened with honey.

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